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Using filters in the ETFtracker Application

Updated: Aug 14, 2021

UPDATE: As of July 2021, the ETFtracker has been updated to a new format - to see how the new app works you can check out the following App Guide videos on Youtube: and this article in the blog:

In this article we show you how you can use filters to do analysis within the ETFtracker application.

Once the user has navigated to a page they are given the option of drop-down filters that show different values users can select to view data in different forms.

See below for animation of filtering in action. In this example the user has navigated to the Analytics section and chosen different sub-menus. They have also selected different category filters and as they navigate to different menus, the filters have synced. This makes it easier to perform analysis as opposed to creating a new filter each time. Additionally, the user can select multiple field values by holding down the CTRL button as they make their selections.

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Disclaimer: ETFtracker does not provide financial advice and nothing on this website shall be deemed to constitute financial advice. The information and data on this website is factual and for informational purposes only. The data used in our analysis is sourced from multiple sources including ASX, Chi-X, ETF Issuers and more. You should consider your own financial circumstances and/or consult a financial adviser for any investment decisions you are looking to make. All reasonable care has been taken to ensure the information on this website is correct but no warranties are provided for it. 

©ETFtracker 2020 is owned and maintained by New Era Analytics. For usage of the data or apps outside of this website, please get in touch.

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